American Flyer Crossing Gate 600 with Bell

American Flyer Crossing Gate 600 With Bell
This crossing gate was produced from 1954 to 1956. The next Gilbert American Flyer crossing gate in the series is the No. 600. It uses the same base as the 592A but adds a bell to the action. The bell is hidden in the hut. Earlier units come in a blue, yellow and white box with American Flyer 696 and 697 track trips. Later units (probably 1956) come in a red, white and black box with 696 and 670 track trips. The No. 697 Track Trip is weight activated by the passing trainThey are touchy to adjust so that they respond when required and keep the crossing gate down for the entire length of the train.
The No. 670 Track Trip is electrically activated by the locomotive and or lighted car being in an isolated track section. The drawback to the No. 670 Track Trip is that it overheats if the train occupies the isolated section for too long. However, the American Flyer 670 Track Trip is a much more reliable way to activate the crossing gate.
Since the 697 and 670 Track Trips activate continuously to keep the crossing gate down, using them to activate the bell would generate a single ding when the activation first occurs. Gilbert American Flyer included a No. 696 Track Trip with the No. 600 Crossing Gate with Bell to operate the Bell portion of the accessory. Since the No. 696 makes and breaks its contact every time a wheel passes over, the bell dings each time providing a continuous if occasionally irregular dinging.
1954-55 Contents in blue, yellow and white box. No. 600 Gate, Nos. 696 and 697 Track Trips, instruction sheet, wires, inspection voucher.
1956 Contents in red, black and white box. No. 600 Gate, Nos. 696 and 670 Track Trips, instruction sheet, wires, inspection voucher.