American Flyer Lumber Unloading Car 971 & 25016

American Flyer Lumber Unloading Car 971
The American Flyer Lumber Car 971 came with a push button, Automatic Track rail and often went with the Moe & Joes Unloading platform. The operating accessory was produced in 1956 and 1957. In addition to the 971 – Gilbert made these other lumber cars:
American Flyer 751 Log Loader
American Flyer 751A Operating Log Loader
American Flyer 787 Log Loader
The American Flyer Lumber Car 971 was designed to pull up to the lumber mill and dump a load of lumber. To accomplish this, the car has an American Flyer 712 Automatic Track Rail. The car gets one side of its power from the rail connected to the transformer. The wire connects to the push button that comes with the car. To operate one of these cars, stop the train with the car’s finger on the Automatic Track Rail and push the button.