American Flyer Locomotive 365 Parts List & Diagram
American Flyer had three basic types of diesel trucks. Diesel naming convention moved away from the steam Whyte system and focused on Axels instead of wheels.GP7 trucks with two powered axles, PA/PB trucks with simulated three powered axles (also used on the EP-5 Electric style locomotive) and I the Baldwin diesel trucks had two powered axles. The F9 may have simply used the Baldwin trucks. This would make the GP7 locomotives B-B type, the PA/PB and electric locomotives C-C type and the Baldwins, B-B type also. F9’s probably B-B as well.
The American Flyer Locomotive 365 Santa Fe was one of the PA/PB models.
This is the service bulletin furnished by the A. C. Gilbert Co. to authorized service stations to aid them in the service and repair of American Flyer equipment. Specifically, this bulletin is for the
American Flyer Locomotive 365 Service Manual.